The Giunta Family History

Welcome to our home on the WEB!

The information being published on this web site was compiled by my uncle, Joseph A. Giunta who lived in Vero Beach Florida. My uncle spent many many hours researching our family's roots and his results were published in book form in April 2000. Most of the information contained on this site are from the contents of that book. His research eventually resulted in a visit to Palermo and Valguarnera, Sicily where my Grandfather, Giuseppe (Joseph) Giunta, was born and grow up as a child until he emigrated to the United States at the age of 14.

The picture above was taken at my Granfather's (Giuseppe (Joseph) Giunta) childhood home in Valguarnera, Sicily while he was on leave from the Italian Army, during WWI. My Grandfather is in the picture midway up the stairway (B). My Great Grandfather (Alphonso Giunta) is also in the picture at the foot of the stairs (A).

Uncle Joe has published and distributed this book for our family's enjoyment and in the hopes that it will be updated as family changes take place. I have agreed to publish his work on the Internet and any future updates I receive from our family members. Please help by sending me any updates you would like published.

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The purpose of this web site is to document the history of the Giunta family and all of its branches starting with its roots in Sicily. In the past, a family history was researched and documented and eventually published, but once published because of the great effort and expense involved, was rarely ever updated and republished. Today the Internet provides an excellent tool for publishing a family's history and keeping it constantly up-to-date through the collaborative efforts of many family members now electronically connected through the Internet. This means that if you are a member of the Giunta family or any of its branches, as documented on the attached Family Tree, then you have a responsibility to help keep our history up-to-date. It is my hope that this web site will in some way bring us closer together as a family by providing a central point for family related information and communication.

The entire family owes a debt of gratitude to my Uncle Joe for his efforts to honor the Giunta family by documenting its history. While he has since passed on, and now enjoys the company of his parents and brothers, his love and devotion for all his family members is clearly evident by his dedication to this work. Thanks Uncle Joe - from all of us!

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